I’ve spent the past two days on my roof ripping up shingles and OSB to find and fix some leaks that I had. Water was getting in somewhere and then following a wire until it dripped into the electrical sub panel in my workshop. Nothing like seeing water running over your circuit breakers! Yikes!!! I replaced 4 or 5 sheets of OSB and also had to install a new bathroom exhaust fan when I discovered that the idiots who built the garage onto my house had ventilated the old fan into the confined garage attic instead of ducting it to the outside.
With the wood replaced, I got new flashing and moisture barrier installed, but ran out of time to get the new shingles nailed on. Theoretically it should be water tight, but it still makes me nervous to not have it shingled. To top it off, the biggest storm in 10 years is forecast to hit the area tonight through Saturday. I sure hope the water doesn’t get in.
After two 12-hour days on the roof, I was quite sore, but had to go back to work this morning. I had a bit of a crappy day at work but got home to find the November issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine in my mailbox. I opened it up and found that the tip I sent them had been published. The mailbox also contained a check for payment for the tip. How’s that for a little bit of cheering up?
You might remember that a few months ago wrote a post that I titled “The White Milk Jug Trick“. It was my attempt at improving the Charlesworth Ruler Trick for sharpening plane irons. The basic premise is to replace the steel rule with HDPE plastic taken from a milk jug. If you click the above link, you will see that I explain all the hows and whys and I also geek-out a little on back bevel angles.

HDPE plastic from a milk jug on the sharpening stone.
A few people suggested that I send the tip into the woodworking magazines, so I sent it to Popular Woodworking. I was thrilled when Megan Fitzpatrick contacted me to say that they would like use the tip in the November issue.
Here’s a picture of the published tip:

The tip that I sent in to Popular Woodworking Magazine.
I know that it is just a tip and not a published article, but it sure felt good none-the-less. Who knows, perhaps someday, I’ll come up with an article worth submitting for consideration?
My next series of posts was chosen for me by the family. Our current rabbit hutch is falling apart and I was informed that’s what I should build next. So, the family wants a rabbit hutch and I want to woodwork. We can make this work. Who’s ready for a mortise-and-tennoned, four-door, double-level, bomb-proof rabbit palace?
Stay tuned.
– Jonathan White
Great tip, Jonathon, and congratulations on being published. Using a steel ruler bothered me, too. Some of the best ideas in woodworking magazines come from this section. Looking forward to the bomb-proof rabbit palace.
Thanks Jeff. I always make sure to read the tips and tricks section of the magazines. There are loads of things to learn there.
Congrats, your are an author who has been published.
Thanks Ralph.
Nice tip! Congratulations.
Thanks Brian.
Ahhh, digging into a home. What fun. Not that long ago I had the garage doors replaced. In doing so, they found that one of the garage doors overhead rails when screwed in wasn’t screwed into a ceiling stud. The only thing it was screwed into was sheetrock.
My friend who has done a lot of bathroom remodels has seen far too many subfloors rotted out because they plumbers were too cheap to put a second wax ring down in anticipation of a new home having some settling on the floor.
I was a little stunned when I discovered that they had vented the bathroom fan into the garage attic. @#$%!-ing Unbelievable! The rain has been really heavy today, and I’ve had a few drips indoors. As soon as things dry up, I need to get the shingles on.
All the best,
Yep, I’m constantly amazed at some of things home owners and “professionals” do. Surprising that more homes don’t simply fall to the ground or burn down. Sounds like you just about have it whipped though.
Hey Greg,
I’m with you. I wish that I could build my own home from start to finish. It would be a really fun project, but unfortunately, I’m way too slow. You might recall that it took me 9 months to build a chicken coop. As long as I’m still working, there’s no chance I’d have the time to build a house.
All the best,
I read your tip the other when i got my copy in the mail. I tought that was you, having read your previous blog on it. Very cool, congrats
Bob and Rudy
Thanks Bob.