Woodworking With Just A Machete

The family and I recently went on holiday to the Dominican Republic, which explains why I haven’t posted anything here for a few weeks.  It’s a beautiful country and we had a great time.

While out on a tour in the countryside, we came across this man who was making wooden parrots for sale to the tourists.  It being a type of woodworking, I of course stopped to watch for a while and got to see how quick and efficient he was.  It also appeared that the only tool he was using was a machete.

I took some photos to share with you here.  I also bought a parrot for each of the kids.

Making wooden parrots with just a machete.

Making wooden parrots with just a machete.

How's this for hand tool woodworking?

How’s this for hand tool woodworking?

Dominican Parrots-3 Dominican Parrots-4 Dominican Parrots-5

More to come on my workbench build soon.

Now… where can I find a vintage Stanley Sweetheart era machete?



About Jonathan

I am a woodworker and hand tool restorer / collector. I buy too many tools and don't build enough - I need help!
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2 Responses to Woodworking With Just A Machete

  1. Joe says:

    Out of curiosity, did more come of this back in your shop? I’m just now running across this blog in mid Jun 2018. I was day dreaming about if I had only one tool to use for woodworking what would it be. I was thinking how practical machate’s are and google led me here.

    • Jonathan says:

      Hi Joe,

      No, I really can’t say that I have done any woodworking with a machete myself. I just appreciated the skill of this guy.

      All the best,


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